Caledonia, NY - Nick Fauci driver of the winged and wingless number 95 Hyper X7 chassis, sealed the deal on his season finale race Saturday, September 22 at Limerock Speedway. Winning both the winged and wingless shows put him atop of Hyper Racing's international win list with an impressive 21 total wins between winged and wingless 600cc classes.
Three weeks prior to the season's ending race, Nick clinched both the winged and wingless 600cc championships at the Speedway. The 1/8 mile bullring was home to New York's best micro sprint racing this season. Bringing drivers from all across New York state as well as Pennsylvania and even Australia. The Fauci Racing crew of the number 95 did not miss one show all season, turning over 800 laps.
Car owner Mike Fauci Sr. talks about his driver, and sons accomplishment this season at Limerock as an example of the work put in all season.
Crew chief JR Evans is a veteran to dirt racing and will attest to the effort put in off of the track, in the shop to create a winning car and team.
"Races are won in the shop, burning the midnight oil when your competition is sleeping, that is what sets you aside from everyone else - how much are you willing to put in? You need to be a step ahead of the competition. Out hustling and out working will always land you up with the best at the end of the race." Evans states.
Nick's racing style over the years in dirt open wheel has grown and matured with him as a driver. Racing at over seven different micro sprint tracks between New York and Pennsylvania has brought a lot of new and educational challenges and developmental skills as he progresses through the sport.
At the age of fifteen, and over 30 wins in a micro sprint, Fauci doesn't plan on lifting anytime soon, and his season is not at a close yet. Keep an eye out for the next show as Fauci plans to hit the dirt a few more times before the snow flies.

#NickFauci #HyperRacing #FauciRacing #Champion #USAC600s #HyperChassis #GuhlInjection #BoonandSons #DaveOrangeRacingEngines #OpenWheel #DirtRacing #Winged600 #Wingless600 #LBBondsandInsurance #Hoosier #HBS